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Ideas for side hustles —How to launch a business outside of the 9-to-5 grind

Unfortunately, it is difficult to find a day job that is both fulfilling and well-paying. Add to that the current economic insecurity, and you might get a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach. Don't give up. Today, it's easier than ever to start a side hustle — that is, a venture outside of the 9-to-5 where you pursue what's important to you and, hopefully, make some extra money in the process. It all starts with brainstorming a few side hustle ideas.

What exactly is a side hustle (and should you get one)?

A side hustle is simply another term for part-time self-employment.

Although it is important that side hustle ideas be profitable, it is arguably more important that they be enjoyable and fulfilling. At the very least, it should be a job to which you are willing to devote time that would otherwise be spent on leisure.

The popularity of side hustles has risen rapidly in recent years, and it is expected to rise even further in the coming years. The global economic climate, as well as the current widespread issue of underemployment, are major contributors.

It can be safely argued that thanks to the abundance of options available, turning side hustle ideas into reality is easier than ever before.

Running a successful side hustle necessitates a strong work ethic, a flexible time schedule, and, most importantly, a strong desire to succeed. If you have all three, you are ready to begin planning.

Choose a few side hustle ideas and put them to the test.

First, you'll need to come up with some fantastic side hustle ideas.

For example, perhaps you want to develop a specific app for an affluent market. Whatever you're planning, carefully selecting and testing side hustle ideas before you begin will save you a lot of headaches later on (particularly financial ones).

Having solid side hustle ideas that excite you will help you stay focused as you develop them.

Make a list of all of your side hustle ideas, no matter how good you think they are.

Following that, you should narrow down your options until you've decided on the most practical, exciting, and profitable side hustle to pursue. When you're ready, the next step is to reevaluate your chosen concept.

Create a list of potential side hustles.

Expanding and developing your idea is an obvious step because there is no side hustle without it!

You should think about the resources, time commitment, and (if applicable) overall costs involved in getting it up and running.

Begin by making a list of the various aspects of your side hustle that you'll need to consider, and then assign deadlines and goals to each one.

In the case of our app concept, you'll need to create a framework, decide whether you need to source APIs or "devkits," and a lot more. Or take the easy route and create your App with Appily App Builder without the need for any prior technical knowledge or coding skills.

Next, consider what you'll need to accomplish each milestone. It's always a good idea to conduct ongoing research throughout the process to ensure you're making the best decisions possible.

Finally, you must consider your financial situation. Many fledgling businesses have little or no capital, and you'll need to determine whether yours does, ideally early on.

Launch and promote your side business.

You should be ready to launch your side hustle after carefully developing your side hustle ideas. You're creating what's known as a Minimum Viable Product (MVP).

An MVP is a smart way to launch your side hustle quickly and accurately assess its viability.

The goal is to develop your idea just enough so that you can evaluate its performance — without spending an excessive amount of money. Fortunately, there is a wealth of information available to assist you in developing the best MVP for determining how to develop your hustle.

For instance, you could begin by developing an app that only does one or two things well, and it could even be free. That way, you'll get critical user feedback right away, and you'll have a solid foundation to build on if there turns out to be an audience willing to part with their money.

Of course, marketing should be a key component of your launch strategy.

With that in mind, you should at the very least have the following in place:

Side hustle marketing is a dangerous rabbit hole to fall into, so make sure you balance your marketing strategy with the principles of your MVP. It's best to save complex overarching strategies for your project roadmap and prioritize more pressing concerns for the time being.

Examine and improve your side hustle

The work doesn't stop once your side hustle is up and running. You must ensure that it is operating at peak efficiency and respond to any metrics that may have an impact on your income.

Simply put, you should take some time after the launch to consider whether you want to continue with the side hustle or start over with a new idea.

For example, you may discover that your app did not perform as well as you had hoped, or that the target users were only interested in the free version. In contrast, the feedback you've received thus far may have sparked your creativity, prompting you to add new features you hadn't considered before.

Of course, if the fundamentals (i.e., income) aren't looking good and you're losing interest in your side hustle, it's time to reconsider. However, if you're still excited regardless of how it appears on paper, analyzing the performance of your side hustle will be a top priority at this point. In this manner, you will be able to correct your course in the future.

An Easy Side Hustle Idea you can start right now from home: Become a White Label Mobile App Reseller.

Becoming a white label mobile app reseller is an easy and affordable way to start a business. The mobile app market is expanding daily, and business opportunities for creating mobile apps are higher than ever because demand is not diminishing.

Providing mobile solutions to your clients can elevate your business in the market and make it stand out, especially with app solutions as part of your services.

Finding an app builder that suits your needs isn’t hard work. At Appily App Builder, we’re proud of our mobile app reseller program because we offer everything a reseller business needs.

If they decide to stay with your white label reseller program, we’ll take care of publishing apps in the app stores for you and your clients.

Next Steps:

Creating side hustle ideas can be a great way to earn some extra money while increasing your sense of fulfillment. As a result, it's important to consider whether pursuing a side hustle is the best approach for you.

Who knows, maybe after careful consideration and a successful launch, you'll have a new full-time option on your hands.

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